“A major that makes you look at the world a little differently... It helps shape your future and your present" -Kayla Paris, WGSS Alum Class of 2020
WGSS Internship Opportunity
In the WGSS department, students have the opportunity to enroll in WGSS 3891 during an internship for Internship Practicum credits. For more information about this, please visit https://career.uconn.edu/experiences/major-women-gender-and-sexuality-studies/ or contact the internship coordinator, Mick Powell at mick.powell@uconn.edu for more information.
“The WGSS Internship Practicum (WGSS 3891) empowers students to put feminist theory into practice through strategic field work placement at organizations focused on gender, sexuality, race, class, ability, reproductive rights, legal policy, social justice, and more. In addition to specific responsibilities designated by the internship site, students develop a unique project to support or improve their internship organization, thinking critically about the connections between feminism and activism. WGSS 3891 provides students with opportunities to clarify their career goals, network with professionals across disciplines and fields, refine their resumes, and apply their coursework in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies in real-time, all with the support of a field supervisor and an academic coordinator.”
Department of Child and Family Services
- Willimantic
- Opportunities to work as a Case Worker
- Go here for more information:
Hayley Petit Injury and Violence Prevention Fellowship
- Connecticut Children's Injury Prevention Center
- Fellowship geared towards college women in STEM and WGSS fields
- Go here for more information:
UConn Women's Center
At the Women’s Center there are many Student Worker positions that open up on a semester basis. UConn students can apply for these positions via JobX.
- Administrative Support
- Women in STEM Mentoring Program
- Tutoring and mentoring for women in STEM
- Greeks Against Sexual Assault Peer Facilitator
- Sexual violence prevention that works directly with Fraternities and Sororities on campus
- Violence Against Women Prevention Program Facilitator
- Between Women Facilitator
- Community group for queer women
- Marketing Specialist
- In-Power Facilitator
- Support group for survivors of gender-based violence
- Men’s Project Facilitator
- A group for male-identifying individuals to come discuss the ways the patriarchy impacts their lives and behaviors
- Writing intern
- Works on the Women’s Center newsletter alongside the Women’s Center full time and student staff
See the Women's Center website for more opportunities: https://womenscenter.uconn.edu/
- Contact kathleen.holgerson@uconn.edu (Director of the Women’s Center) for more information
Violence Against Women Prevention Program (VAWPP) Peer Facilitator
The VAWPP program is a student worker position that runs in the fall semester and interviews occur in the spring. In order to interview, students must be enrolled in WGSS 3271: Rape Education and Prevention in the spring semester. Contact elise.delacruz@uconn.edu for more information about enrolling in the course and the VAWPP position.
The position: VAWPP Facilitators work with the Women’s Center full time staff and their peers to develop facilitation skills and well rounded knowledge on gender-based violence prevention specifically on a college campus. VAWPP facilitators go into the First-Year Experience (FYE) Classes and facilitate the Consent 201 workshop. These workshops include themes such as intoxication vs. incapacitation, affirmative consent, preferences and boundaries, sexual citizenship, survivor support, university resources and how the environment influences the potential for violence. VAWPP Facilitators learn the importance of conflict resolution, working in partnership with peers for the greater good, and critical thinking about a world free of gender-based violence.
This is a paid position through the UConn Women’s Center and can be used as a WGSS internship as well. Student workers are paid on a bi-weekly basis and log about 6-10 hours per week, these hours include facilitations as well as Women’s Center staff meetings and VAWPP debriefs.
UConn Rainbow Center
- Expansive opportunities for student employment and volunteering during the semesters
- LGBTQIA identity allyship trip
- See the Rainbow Center website for more ways to get involved
UConn H. Fred Simons African American Cultural Center
- Student Staff Positions
- including: Teaching Assistant, Photographer, Design Team Member, Programmer
- Internships and Practicums
- Handled case-by-case by Center Director: Alicia Mckenzie alicia.mckenzie@uconn.edu
Teacher’s Assistant for WGSS Professor
- Reach out to your WGSS Professors to see how you can get involved with academia
Connecticut Fair Housing Center
- Intern here and make a difference in your community
- See their careers website for more information on available positions:
Windham and Willimantic Opportunities
- CLiCK - Commercially Licensed Co-Operative Kitchen
- Non-profit committed to serving community with local, sustainable, healthy food systems
- Volunteer and collaborative opportunities available
- WAIM - Windham Area Interfaith Ministry
- Provides local support and basic needs for community members of low income and resources
Triangle Community Center
- Located in Norwalk, CT
- Internship programs:
- Students studying social work or counseling & Finishing their programs
- For students that need hours to finish their degrees: case management, supporting folks in unstable housing or unhoused, trying to find medical care, needing support in name changes, gender designation changes, counseling services
- Mostly grad students and some undergraduate
- Outside of that:
- less formal - opportunities for folks who interested in certain fields - education, resources etc
- Always looking for volunteers(E.g. front desk worker that can get people connected to programs)
- Casual employment opportunities
- Contact:
- Go to website (https://ctpridecenter.org/)
- About us, contact us, fill out form for topic of interest - Internship Opportunities,
- Unpaid
- Community education person: cadence@ctpridecenter.org - someone to talk to regarding how possible it is to get a job after graduating as a Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies major
- Interns always welcome
- Go to website (https://ctpridecenter.org/)
- Students studying social work or counseling & Finishing their programs
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV)
- Available opportunities change from semester to semester based on current project needs. Interested students are always welcome to apply by sending along their resume and a cover letter that addresses the questions posed here under the “application details” dropdown
- Contact landrews@ctcadv.org with further questions
- Opportunities can begin on either September 1, January 1, or June 1
From their website (https://www.ctcadv.org/about/employment#intern) →Internship Focus Areas Include:
- Communications/Public Awareness
- Member Services Coordination
- Program support, research and community organizing for programs such as: Children’s Advocacy, Diversity & Accessibility, Fatality Review, Law Enforcement Coordination, Legal Advocacy, Primary Prevention & TeamUp CT, Healthcare Advocacy, Housing Advocacy
- Project Assessment & Evaluation
- Public Policy
- Direct service coordination/hotline
- Development/fundraising/event organization
United Services
- Limited internship opportunities for undergraduate students but many opportunities for employment
- Per diem positions- Take a look at website/Indeed for open positions
- https://www.unitedservicesct.org/careers/
- Generally in residential housing for streamlining back into society
- Young adult services house
- Milner house
- Case manager and Clinical positions for post-graduation or graduate students
- No advance hiring
- End of April/Closer to graduation- graduates can start looking and pursuing post-graduate positions
- Per diem positions- Take a look at website/Indeed for open positions
- Contact: rdonovan@usmhs.org