Minor Requirements

    Catalog Years: 2020 – Present

    Students seeking a minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies must complete 15 credits of course work at the 2000 level or higher as follows:

    1. WGSS 2250 (three credits)
    2. 12 additional credits of 2000-level or higher WGSS courses, those cross-listed with WGSS, and/or courses approved by the director of WGSS, with the below restrictions:
      1. Not more than two courses may be counted toward both the minor and the major.
      2. Not more than six credits for the Internship Program may be applied to the minor.
      3. A maximum of three credits towards the minor may be transfer credits of courses equivalent to University of Connecticut courses.

    Catalog Years: 2019 and 2018

    Students seeking a minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies must complete 18 credits of course work, at least 15 of which must be at the 2000 level or higher, in WGSS courses, those cross listed with WGSS, and/or courses approved by the director of WGSS. Not more than two courses may be counted toward both the minor and the major. Not more than six credits for the Internship Program may be applied to the minor. The minor is offered by the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program.


    Catalog Years prior to 2018:

    Contact Elaine Chu at elaine.chu@uconn.edu

    *If you wish to change your minor plan of study catalog year, please schedule a meeting with Elaine Chu at elaine.chu@uconn.edu